Sunday, November 30, 2008

Benjamin Netanyahu on the Temple Mount

CFR Benjamin Netanyahu before he became prime minister:

"The right of the Jewish people to its holy place - the Temple Mount - cannot be questioned...I believe it is necessary to arrange for Jewish prayer on the site, especially given that we permit freedom of worship to all the religions in Jerusalem...". And his office charged Palestinian officials with "disparaging Jewish holy sites and threatening potential worshippers" (in flagrant violation of Israel's 1967 Law for the Protection of the Holy Places and the Oslo Accords). His deputy director of communications, Michael Freund, responded to the PA mufti's declaration of war (that Jews "...must absolutely forget about having any rights over the Temple Mount...the Western Wall is just a fence belonging to a Muslim holy site") by saying "these statements are repugnant and they betray a contempt for Judaism's most sacred sites and beliefs. They are an affront to history and insulting to Jews everywhere."

After CFR Benjamin Netanyahu became prime minister he failed to put his promises into practice and permitted the Nazi-Muslims to continue to trample the principles he so eloquently spoke about. Never forget!

The woeful neglect of bribed Israeli politicians and bankrupt Jewish religious leaders stinks to High Heaven and demands an accounting. Watch for the German-EU offer to pick up the tab with strings attached.

Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem

Paint Israel Black: Jews to Lose Jerusalem!

Woe to Ariel! (Jerusalem to Suffer EU Occupation)

Exposing the German-Vatican Plot to Occupy Jerusalem

Jews Must Demand Rights to Temple Mount

Restore Israeli Sovereignty Over Temple Mount

Dangerous Ideas?

Watch the pope go ballistic

This is relevant now as it was last year when I wrote it:

Why all the fuss about the Bavarian Pope stating his beliefs? At least he is telling the plain truth about official Roman Catholic teaching -- even if he's in grave error and spewing religious lies, according to the Bible. Those drunk on the ecumenical spirits, who are in a state of shock or confusion, staggering over his statements, expose they've either been misled by the Vatican or in a stupored state of denial, having fooled themselves that reconciliation between the Catholic Mother and Protestant Daughters was a two-way street rather than a one way street back to Rome and its dead end.

The Roman Catholic Church is not the Church Jesus Christ founded on the holy day of Shavuot/Pentecost. The Roman Catholic Church is the Babylonian Mystery Religion in Christian drag, and they do well to call themselves Catholic because they're not Christians! That's right - Catholics are not Christians. To state anything less is to endanger folks who fail to recognize the seriousness of religious sins or discern doctrines of demons.

The Roman Catholic Church is the apostate organization of those who fell away from the original Sabbath-keeping Church of God. The RCC represents those who became prey to wolves in sheep's clothing and were misled from the Faith once delivered to Jews in Jerusalem, even though they were warned by Peter, John, Jude, Polycarp, Polycrates and other witnesses. Rome is foreign to Jerusalem and anathema to Christ!

Throughout history, the true Church of God has always been the "little flock," the chosen few -- never the majority. The legitimate Church of God's succession is revealed by faithfulness to biblical doctrines (easily proven by noble "Bereans") -- not by a pompous parade of pagan men who blindly follow idolatrous traditions and engage in identity theft, in a massive fraud, a counterfeit Christianity that pollutes the holy name of Jesus Christ and misrepresents God (Rev. 12:9).

It appears the German-Jesuit pope is determined to discipline, and in the unholy spirit of the Inquisition and Crusades is clearly gearing up for battle and drawing lines in the sand and is prepared to crack the whip -- whether it's his tongue (like his stinging rebuke of the EU as "apostate" over their refusal to acknowledge Catholicism's contributions to Europe in their Constitution) or Caesar's sword.

Watch for the pope to promote a man after his own heart to govern Europe and wield whatever force is necessary to stabilize the world -- even if it means going ballistic.

Thanksgiving Day (a Jewish perspective)

From Israeli author and Jewish columnnist Naomi Ragen:

Dear Friends,
I've always loved Thanksgiving, and manage to celebrate every year no matter where I am. It also coincides with our wedding anniversary and my husband's birthday, so whatever our troubles in the world, it's a day that reminds me how many blessings I have, and how much we all have to be grateful for.

Below, Rabbi Marc Angel explains how and why Jews celebrate this holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanksgiving Day
*by Rabbi Marc D. Angel

President George Washington proclaimed Thursday November 26, 1789 as a day of national thanksgiving to God "for His kind care and protection of the people of this country previous to their becoming a nation; for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of His providence in the course and conclusion of the late war; for the great degreee of tranquility, union, and plenty which we have since enjoyed; for the peaceable and rational manner in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national one now lately instituted; for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed, and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and, in general, for all the great and various favors which He has been pleased to confer upon us."

The Jewish communities in the United States of that time rejoiced in the role they played in establishing this new country. Already in 1784, leaders of Congregation Shearith Israel in New York City (founded 1654) had sent a letter to Governor George Clinton on behalf of "the ancient congregation ofIsraelites" in which they said: "Though the society we belong to is but small, when compared with other religious societies, yet we flatter ourselves that none has manifested a more zealous attachment to the sacred cause of America in the late war with Great Britain....And we now look forward with pleasure to the happy days we expect to enjoy under a constitution wisely framed to preserve the inestimable blessings of civil and religious liberty."

A new country was born, and the Jews had participated in its formation. They were equal citizens in the United States. This was not true of Jews in any country in Europe or in the Muslim world. American Jews were the first in the history of the diaspora to be citizens on an equal footing with their non-Jewish neighbors, and to have actually participated in fighting for the independence of a new nation.

When President Washington called for a day of Thanksgiving, Jews observed this day with joy and pride. At Shearith Israel in New York, the Rev. Gershom Mendes Seixas arranged a suitable service of prayer, and delivered an address in which he called upon Jews "to support that government which is founded upon the strictest principles of equal liberty and justice."

In subsequent years, days of Thanksgiving were similarly celebrated at Shearith Israel and the other early Jewish congregations. These days were invariably proclaimed in the name of the American people, and were meant to be observed by each citizen according to his or her own faith. In 1817, NewYork State established an annual observance of Thanksgiving Day. Shearith Israel held services on each subsequent year--except 1849 and 1854. In those two years, the Governor of the State had addressed his proclamation specifically to "a Christian people" instead of to Americans of all faiths. Other than these two years, Thanksgiving has been proclaimed for allAmericans, each according to his and her own faith.

It is sometimes heard in Orthodox Jewish circles that Thanksgiving Day is a"non-Jewish holiday" and should not be observed by religious Jews. This view is historically wrong and morally dubious. Thanksgiving Day is a national American holiday for all residents of the United States, of all religions. Jews participated in Thanksgiving from the very beginning of the United States' history. This national holiday belongs to Jews as to all other Americans. It is altogether fitting that Jews join fellow Americans in observing a day of Thanksgiving to the Almighty for all the blessings He has bestowed upon this country. Jews, in particular, have much reason to thank God for the opportunities and freedoms granted to us in the United States.

In his famous letter to the Jewish community of Newport in 1790, President Washington wrote: "May the children of the stock of Abraham who dwell in this land continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants--while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig tree and there shall be none to make him afraid." These are words, expressive of the American spirit at its best, for which we can be thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving.

***The Angel for Shabbat column is a service of the Institute for JewishIdeas and Ideals, fostering an intellectually vibrant, compassionate andinclusive Orthodox Judaism. Please join our growing community of supportersby becoming a member online at our website:
For more articles, please visit my Web page at:

Three Blind Mice

Re: Three prominent Canadians praise Bush legacy

Three blind mice.

IF Bush were serious against terrorism he wouldn’t aid and abet those who enforce Judenrein policies and expel Jews rather than Nazi Muslims.

Lying Visions of Peace

David BenAriel
Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!
Ariel Sharon: From Zionist to Traitor
Parents of Slain Son Cry For An End to Deadly Peace Process

WND Petition (Obama's birth certificate)

To: Electoral College, Congress of the United States, Federal Elections Commission, U.S. Supreme Court, President of the United States, other controlling legal authorities

Whereas, by requirement of the United States Constitution, Article 2, Section 1, no one can be sworn into office as president of the United States without being a natural born citizen;

Whereas, there is sufficient controversy within the citizenry of the United States as to whether presidential election winner Barack Obama was actually born in Hawaii as he claims;

Whereas, Barack Obama has refused repeated calls to release publicly his entire Hawaiian birth certificate, which would include the actual hospital that performed the delivery;

Whereas, lawsuits filed in several states seeking only proof of the basic minimal standard of eligibility have been rebuffed;

Whereas, Hawaii at the time of Obama's birth allowed births that took place in foreign countries to be registered in Hawaii;

Whereas, concerns that our government is not taking this constitutional question seriously will result in diminished confidence in our system of free and fair elections;

We, the undersigned, assert our rights as citizens of the United States in demanding that the constitutional eligibility requirement be taken seriously and that any and all controlling legal authorities in this matter examine the complete birth certificate of Barack Obama, including the actual city and hospital of birth, and make that document available to the American people for inspection.

A Day of Mourning

A Day of Mourning
Naomi Ragen

After days of prayer and fear among Jews and good people everywhere, the horrible reality of the Islamic terrorist rampage in Mumbai was revealed in all its obscene and mindless savagery when members of Zaka entered the Chabad compound.

As an eyewitness told YNET, the sight was unbearable even to the practiced eyes of those whose job it is to deal with the aftermath of murderous terror attacks:

"The place was totally destroyed. Live grenades were all over the floor. Torah scrolls and holy books were scattered on the floor, covered with blood."

The bodies of the Chabad rabbi and the kashrut supervisor were found in one room, along with two other men whose hands had been tied with telephone wire. The body of the Rabbi's young wife Rivkie was found covered in a tallit. It is believed she was killed before her young husband's eyes and he wrapped her in his tallit.

A grandmother from Israel, and a Jewish woman tourist from Mexico were also identified. For photos you will not see in the New York Times of the blood-soaked floor of the house of prayer and hospitality, courtesy of the "religion of peace" whose riots kill hundreds when a Koran is desecrated, please go to:,7340,L-3630586,00.html

Police in Mumbai report that they found enough ammunition to blow up both hotels and to kill thousands, which according to a terrorist captured alive, was the intention. This carefully planned attack, which had the Chabad House at its center, was orchestrated from Pakistan. Vilasrao Deshmukh, the Chief Minister of Maharashtra state, of which Bombay is the capital, was quoted yesterday as saying there were two "British-born Pakistanis" among the terrorists, reports he later denied. A British Pakistani was involved in a terror attack in Israel at Mike's Place not long ago.

The Mail Online reports "a banned Islamic terrorist group funded with cash raised in British mosques is believed to be behind the Mumbai attacks." The Mail reports: "The only terrorist captured alive after the Mumbai massacre has given police the first full account of the extraordinary events that led to it - revealing he was ordered to 'kill until the last breath'.

Azam Amir Kasab, 21, from Pakistan, said the attacks were meticulously planned six months ago and were intended to kill 5,000 people. He revealed that the ten terrorists, who were highly trained in marine assault and crept into the city by boat, had planned to blow up the Taj Mahal Palace hotel after first executing British and American tourists and then taking hostages.

"These descriptions brought back flashbacks to me of the Park Hotel which was rocked by a murderous explosion by Hamas terrorists right before the Seder began. Perhaps it is impossible for the average human being to understand the depth of evil represented by Muslim extremists and their supporters if you didn't witness such a thing. I deal with this in my book, The Covenant. But I feel that I am whistling in the wind. People who have not seen this with their own eyes just refuse to understand that these are not people with grievances, people who can be reasoned with. These people are Nazis. Only if you think you can speak to a Nazi and convince him to not wish to kill Jews, can such a stand make sense.

No one should negotiate with any person, government official, religious leader, or member of any group that does not condemn and despise and excoriate these terrorists. No respect should be given to any religion, or member of that religion, or religious leader who does not despise and condemn these acts. When one views the bloody floor of Chabad House, one sees the bloodied face of civilization. Those who are not prepared to exterminate this evil, and those who are involved in it, are part of it.

Eyewitness Jonathan Ehrlich, a businessman who narrowly escaped death in Mumbai, sent out an e-mail of his experiences. In conclusion, he writes this: The people who did this have no souls. They have no hearts. They are simplythe living manifestation of evil and they only know killing and murder. We - all of us - need to understand that. Their target tonight was first and foremost Americans. Why? Because they fear everything that America stands for. They fear hope and change and freedom and peace. Let's make no mistake; they would have shot me and my children point blank tonight without a moment's hesitation. Most of us sorta know that but sometimes we equivocate. We can't equivocate. Not ever.

Behind the Veil of Islam

Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!

Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists

Death to America: Major American Cities Targeted by Terrorists?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Stay the Course

Re: Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God

If your book [Beyond Babylon] was inspired by Our Heavenly Father, no one should condemn it. Of course that could be the reason, because most people don't want to accept the truth. Just stay the course, if it's right it will finally be exposed.

Good luck,

I'm an e-vangelist

I received this private message at the forum:

I was curious. I have read some of your entries. Do you have any formal training in theology or training from a seminary or yeshiva?

Thankfully not (for the most part), but hopefully folks will recognize that I've spent plenty of prayerful time in the Word, even as the religious authorities noted Peter and John - "uneducated and untrained men" (no formal training) - had spent time with Yeshua.

Acts 4
13 Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.

are you self taught? do you have a mentor?

Like the noble Bereans, I search the Scriptures to see what is so and mainly did so with Herbert W. Armstrong's biblical teachings.

are you an established minister or ordained elder in any denomination? do you operate a church or assembly in the Toledo,OH area?

No and God knows I have no desire to be one. I do what I feel I've been called to do: serve as an e-vangelist throughout the internet world.

Sabbath peace/Shabbat Shalom!

Friday, November 28, 2008

Israel Resource News Agency

Report of UN November 26 Jerusalem press conference

Covering JFK's Funeral: Memories from 45 Years Ago

The Connection Of The Jewish People To Hebron

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Why Israel Won't Attack Gaza

by Barry Chamish

In the late '90s, my work on the Rabin murder was a serious discussion topic in certain circles in Israel. One night I was at a very sabra party in Jerusalem when a man in his thirties, well wined up, started a conversation with me. He claimed he worked for Intelligence and began with the execution of Adolph Eichmann. I will now quote him, though years have past and I'm really paraphrasing our conversation as best as memory permits.

"The older guys tell me the Eichmann execution was staged. They released ashes over the sea but they weren't his. His trial was a show and they kept him in a soundproof cage in case he said the wrong thing. The deal with him was to say the right things and they'd let him live."

There was enough logic in this that I published it as a rumor and I said so. The item was well rebutted, especially by a man famously known as Rabbi Pruz, of New Jersey, who hosted Eichmann's executioner at his synagogue.

However, the gentleman continued with a story he claimed to have partially witnessed that made perfect sense. It concerned Defense Minister Rabin in the late '80s:

"Rabin wanted Israel out of Lebanon but the Lebanese government was too unstable to cut an agreement with. The Shiites under Hizbullah were forcing Israel out with a very demoralizing murder campaign against the army and he had to deal with them to make any agreement stick. He insisted on a thin security zone along the border to prevent armed attacks on Israeli territory, but he was willing to pull out of the rest of the country. But his zone was no good against Katyusha rockets or artillery shells flying over it.

"He ended up with a secret deal with Hizbullah and pulled out of Lebanon in stages to test whether they'd keep it. Rabin realized he couldn't demand a full cessation of rocket or artillery attacks against Israel. But he could make them more acceptable if there was only one target, that being Kiryat Shmoneh."

To guide the unacquainted. You drive north from Tiberius, which is below sea level and climb a steep road. You look back and see the The Puddle Of Galilee and imagine the day you can finally walk across the whole lake, perhaps in five or six years. You now have reached the top of the the climb and you turn right. You pass the lovely Bohemian-style town of Rosh Pina, the famous archeological site of Tel Khatzor until you finally arrive at a town of 15,000, resting on a mountain, Kiryat Shmoneh.

"Kiryat Shmoneh is 90% Sephardi and 85% of them are Moroccan. To the establishment, that made the town expendable. As Defence Minister, Rabin's first duty was to protect the Ashkenazi Labor/left kibbutzim around Kiryat Shmoneh, and the Ashkenazi towns along the border. If you want to know the safest places to live in the country they are Metulla, Rosh HaNikra, or Naharia. Rabin's deal means Hizbullah won't touch them."

Call it a one, albeit likely, source, or call it rumor mongering, but this item spread throughout the country. I met the most unlikely people espousing it back to me. It caught on because it fits reality so perfectly. In fact, Hezbullah kept its word for almost 20 years until the second Lebanon War broke out in 2006.

That said, another rumor has arrived, from a likely source. Temporarily gone are the days when I could meet Israelis at parties or they could meet me anywhere with information. For the time being, I rely mostly on electricity for anyone to communicate with me. I quote:

"...Sharon thought the PA would keep the peace in Gaza after he evacuated the Jews from there. Hamas taking over ruined his plan. When they started pounding Israel with crude rockets, the defence establishment wanted to go back into Gaza and stop the attacks. But the Bush administration went ape. That would stop their hopeless peace plans. They ordered Sharon and his Defence Ministry never to threaten the Hamas government militarily. The Pentagon gave Israel tiny border areas where the military could operate and outright banned any operation that could change the status quo and stop the rockets.

"Sharon was forced to enter into secret negotiations with Hamas to hammer out the rules of engagement. His number one concern was Ashkelon. It is Israel's fourth largest city and nearly impossible for rockets to miss from Gaza. And more frightening, the city has a broad political and national population. Something had to be sacrificed to save Ashkelon, and that something was Sderot, a mostly Moroccan town.

"The way I've been hearing it, Israel agreed not to fight a war in Gaza that would end in a regime change. Hamas could shoot as many rockets as it wanted, on condition that they miss their targets. In short, the deal was don't mass kill Jews and we'll keep you in power. Most rockets would be aimed at Sderot, or the desert. It was permitted to do damage there. But Ashkelon, and especially its power station, were to remain no-hit zones. In return, Israel offered an insurance policy. It will not prepare its people for a war against Gaza by refitting public or school bomb shelters, distribute gas masks and the like. Israel is being held captive by Hamas and the Americans.

"Hamas broke the deal once last May when Bush was in Jerusalem. They slammed a Katyusha into a shopping mall, maiming over a dozen. But otherwise, in a city as large as Ashkelon, the rockets always find 'open areas' to land in. If Hamas wanted to, it could aim at crowded football games, fairs, gatherings, just name wherever people gather. And if Israel wanted to, it could pound Gaza militarily and oust Hamas. But the way I've been told, there's a deal floating out there and neither side will break it."


More news but I can name the sources:

The fiesty Jerusalemite, Tova Rubin met with a sales rep from the Steimatzky book chain and convinced her to sell a selection of my books in Hebrew and English. She called to tell me that the rep informed her that all the books had been sold in a week. Tova added, "The buyer said he was your publisher." Thank you, Tova. There is no such publisher and why would he need to buy the books he published?

It's nice to be remembered by the Shabak for my good work.

The next day, my Jerusalem buddy of twenty years, Gemma Blech came to visit me. We had a fine visit and I arranged to have her interviewed on the Stan Monteith and Bill Deagle radio shows.

Gemma is the photographer for the Women in Green and for my book Bye Bye Gaza. She was deeply upset by the provocateurs who had all but wrecked the protest movement and added, "The protest leaders are now getting old, and some sick. They don't appeal to people under 30. And the next generation is not producing future leaders. Our time is limited and when we go, I'm afraid, there will be no one to take over."

She named the leaders she knew, the provocateurs that everyone knows, but one name stood out for me, Yonah Baumel.

"He's doing poorly these days," she noted.

His son was one of three soldiers captured by Syria in the July, 82, Battle Of Sultan Yaacob in central Lebanon. Around the year 2000, the Commander of the soldiers' axis, Gen. Avigdor Ben Gal and his Intelligence Officer Mickey Shatz gave a small but profoundly important piece of information about the incident in the newspaper Kol Ha'ir. It seems that when Ben Gal and Shatz left camp, Ehud Barak, today's Defence Minister, and Amram Mitzneh, former Labor Party head, got on the radio and ordered a religious army brigade to enter a Syrian ambush. Twenty three Israelis died in the Sultan Yacob mess.

Not said was that Labor officers like Barak and Mitzneh were sabotaging Menachem Begin's winning war. And this fact was ignored by Yonah Baumel when I told him what had to be done to save his son. He was a tall, healthy man when I met him. I told him to hunt down Ben Gal and Shatz, verify their facts, call a press conference, and expose then Prime Minister Barak as a murderer of Jews. Sadly, he didn't do what had to be done and I didn't find out why until Barak's most recent appointment as Defence Minister. Yonah, almost, bravely announced that Barak was unfit for the office because he was involved in his son's kidnapping.

I reported on the incident and a priest wrote me from England protesting my piece. I assured him that every fact about Barak was accurate. He replied that I was right about Barak but wrong to write the soldiers' had been killed. The priest was working with Yonah to have his son released, almost a quarter of a century after he was taken prisoner. I wrote back saying that I hoped I was wrong and he was alive.

Few men lived as painful a life as Yonah Baumel, and few men could have remained so faithful to his son, and to the political system that took him away. Yonah believes the Israeli government can retrieve his son. So he remains true to an old ideal. But the truth is it can't because its Defence Minister was the one who stole his son from him.

I'm sorry to hear you're not well, Yonah. We need you to fully recover. You have one more vital task to complete.


Barry Chamish

POB 840157

Saint Augustine, FL 32080

Watch me at:

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I'm pleased Fox News made mention of my book and name and showed them on my Philadelphia Church of God blog, having interviewed me as a former PCG member who was disfellowshipped for writing Beyond Babylon and who strongly disagrees with how Pastor General Gerald Flurry is squandering tithe money in Edmond, Oklahoma instead of going all out to share the plain truth of the Bible, our warning message, with the world in a powerful way that such money makes possible.

Fox 25 Special Report on Philadelphia Church of God

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Lyndon Johnson and the Jews

Lyndon Johnson -- A Friend in Deed
By Lenny Ben-David

A few weeks ago, the Associated Press reported that newly released tapes from US president Lyndon Johnson's White House office showed LBJ's "personal and often emotional connection to Israel." The news agency pointed out that during the Johnson presidency (1963-1969), "the United States became Israel's chief diplomatic ally and primary arms supplier."

But the news report does little to reveal the full historical extent of Johnson's actions on behalf of the Jewish people and the State of Israel. Most students of the Arab-Israeli conflict can identify Johnson as the president during the 1967 war. But few know about LBJ's actions to rescue hundreds of endangered Jews during the Holocaust - actions that could have thrown him out of Congress and into jail. Indeed, the title of "Righteous Gentile" is certainly appropriate in the case of the Texan, whose centennial year is being commemorated this year.

Appropriately enough, the annual Jerusalem Conference announced this week that it will honor Johnson in February 2009.

Historians have revealed that Johnson, while serving as a young congressman in 1938 and 1939, arranged for visas to be supplied to Jews in Warsaw, and oversaw the apparently illegal immigration of hundreds of Jews through the port of Galveston, Texas.

A key resource for uncovering LBJ's pro-Jewish activity is the unpublished 1989 doctoral thesis by University of Texas student Louis Gomolak, "Prologue: LBJ's Foreign Affairs Background, 1908-1948." Johnson's activities were confirmed by other historians in interviews with his wife, family members and political associates.

Research into Johnson's personal history indicates that he inherited his concern for the Jewish people from his family. His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America. According to Gomolak, Aunt Jessie had nurtured LBJ's commitment to befriending Jews for 50 years. As a young boy, Lyndon watched his politically active grandfather "Big Sam" and father "Little Sam" seek clemency for Leo Frank, the Jewish victim of a blood libel in Atlanta. Frank was lynched by a mob in 1915, and the Ku Klux Klan in Texas threatened to kill the Johnsons. The Johnsons later told friends that Lyndon's family hid in their cellar while his father and uncles stood guard with shotguns on their porch in case of KKK attacks. Johnson's speechwriter later stated, "Johnson often cited Leo Frank's lynching as the source of his opposition to both anti-Semitism and isolationism."

Already in 1934 - four years before Chamberlain's Munich sellout to Hitler - Johnson was keenly alert to the dangers of Nazism and presented a book of essays, Nazism: An Assault on Civilization, to the 21-year-old woman he was courting, Claudia Taylor - later known as "Lady Bird" Johnson. It was an incredible engagement present.

FIVE DAYS after taking office in 1937, LBJ broke with the "Dixiecrats" and supported an immigration bill that would naturalize illegal aliens, mostly Jews from Lithuania and Poland. In 1938, Johnson was told of a young Austrian Jewish musician who was about to be deported from the United States. With an element of subterfuge, LBJ sent him to the US Consulate in Havana to obtain a residency permit. Erich Leinsdorf, the world famous musician and conductor, credited LBJ for saving his life.

That same year, LBJ warned a Jewish friend, Jim Novy, that European Jews faced annihilation. "Get as many Jewish people as possible out [of Germany and Poland]," were Johnson's instructions. Somehow, Johnson provided him with a pile of signed immigration papers that were used to get 42 Jews out of Warsaw.

But that wasn't enough. According to historian James M. Smallwood, Congressman Johnson used legal and sometimes illegal methods to smuggle "hundreds of Jews into Texas, using Galveston as the entry port. Enough money could buy false passports and fake visas in Cuba, Mexico and other Latin American countries.... Johnson smuggled boatloads and planeloads of Jews into Texas. He hid them in the Texas National Youth Administration... Johnson saved at least four or five hundred Jews, possibly more."

During World War II Johnson joined Novy at a small Austin gathering to sell $65,000 in war bonds. According to Gomolak, Novy and Johnson then raised a very "substantial sum for arms for Jewish underground fighters in Palestine." One source cited by the historian reports that "Novy and Johnson had been secretly shipping heavy crates labeled 'Texas Grapefruit' - but containing arms - to Jewish underground 'freedom fighters' in Palestine."

ON JUNE 4, 1945, Johnson visited Dachau. According to Smallwood, Lady Bird later recalled that when her husband returned home, "he was still shaken, stunned, terrorized and bursting with an overpowering revulsion and incredulous horror at what he had seen."

A decade later while serving in the Senate, Johnson blocked the Eisenhower administration's attempts to apply sanctions against Israel following the 1956 Sinai Campaign. "The indefatigable Johnson had never ceased pressure on the administration," wrote I.L. "Si" Kenen, the head of AIPAC at the time.

As Senate majority leader, Johnson consistently blocked the anti-Israel initiatives of his fellow Democrat, William Fulbright, the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Among Johnson's closest advisers during this period were several strong pro-Israel advocates, including Benjamin Cohen (who 30 years earlier was the liaison between Supreme Court justice Louis Brandeis and Chaim Weizmann) and Abe Fortas, the legendary Washington "insider."

Johnson's concern for the Jewish people continued through his presidency. Soon after taking office in the aftermath of John F. Kennedy's assassination in 1963, Johnson told an Israeli diplomat, "You have lost a very great friend, but you have found a better one."Just one month after succeeding Kennedy, LBJ attended the December 1963 dedication of the Agudas Achim Synagogue in Austin. Novy opened the ceremony by saying to Johnson, "We can't thank him enough for all those Jews he got out of Germany during the days of Hitler."

Lady Bird would later describe the day, according to Gomolak: "Person after person plucked at my sleeve and said, 'I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for him. He helped me get out.'" Lady Bird elaborated, "Jews had been woven into the warp and woof of all [Lyndon's] years."

THE PRELUDE to the 1967 war was a terrifying period for Israel, with the US State Department led by the historically unfriendly Dean Rusk urging an evenhanded policy despite Arab threats and acts of aggression. Johnson held no such illusions. After the war he placed the blame firmly on Egypt: "If a single act of folly was more responsible for this explosion than any other, it was the arbitrary and dangerous announced decision [by Egypt] that the Strait of Tiran would be closed [to Israeli ships and Israeli-bound cargo]."

Kennedy was the first president to approve the sale of defensive US weapons to Israel, specifically Hawk anti-aircraft missiles. But Johnson approved tanks and fighter jets, all vital after the 1967 war when France imposed a freeze on sales to Israel. Yehuda Avner recently described on these pages prime minister Levi Eshkol's successful appeal for these weapons on a visit to the LBJ ranch. (Pictured: LBJ receiving Yitzhak Rabin in the Oval Office.)

Israel won the 1967 war, and Johnson worked to make sure it also won the peace. "I sure as hell want to be careful and not run out on little Israel," Johnson said in a March 1968 conversation with his ambassador to the United Nations, Arthur Goldberg, according to White House tapes recently released.Soon after the 1967 war, Soviet premier Aleksei Kosygin asked Johnson at the Glassboro Summit why the US supported Israel when there were 80 million Arabs and only three million Israelis. "Because it is right," responded the straight-shooting Texan.

The crafting of UN Resolution 242 in November 1967 was done under Johnson's scrutiny. The call for "secure and recognized boundaries" was critical. The American and British drafters of the resolution opposed Israel returning all the territories captured in the war. In September 1968, Johnson explained, "We are not the ones to say where other nations should draw lines between them that will assure each the greatest security. It is clear, however, that a return to the situation of 4 June 1967 will not bring peace. There must be secure and there must be recognized borders. Some such lines must be agreed to by the neighbors involved."

Goldberg later noted, "Resolution 242 in no way refers to Jerusalem, and this omission was deliberate." This historic diplomacy was conducted under Johnson's stewardship, as Goldberg related in oral history to the Johnson Library. "I must say for Johnson," Goldberg stated. "He gave me great personal support."Robert David Johnson, a professor of history at Brooklyn College, recently wrote in The New York Sun, "Johnson's policies stemmed more from personal concerns - his friendship with leading Zionists, his belief that America had a moral obligation to bolster Israeli security and his conception of Israel as a frontier land much like his home state of Texas. His personal concerns led him to intervene when he felt that the State or Defense departments had insufficiently appreciated Israel's diplomatic or military needs."

President Johnson firmly pointed American policy in a pro-Israel direction. In a historical context, the American emergency airlift to Israel in 1973, the constant diplomatic support, the economic and military assistance and the strategic bonds between the two countries can all be credited to the seeds planted by LBJ.
It's great to read of cooperation between Joes and Jews, Joseph and Judah, since the United States (Artzot Habrit) - "the lands of the covenant" - is the prophesied biblical inheritance of Menashe ben Yosef.

Interesting (and controversial) to read about the illegal immigration of Jews into Galveston, Texas. I was in a work-study program at Kibbutz Sdot Yam, famous for illegal immigration and mentioned in Leon Uris' book, Exodus.

My kibbutz mother, Miriam Weiss, had been in the Warsaw Ghetto with her mother.

Miriam Weiss: Holocaust Survivor and Kibbutz Mother

Yom Kippur at Sdot Yam

Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam

Joseph isn't Jewish!

Read Beyond Babylon online

Read Beyond Babylon online

Bush and Olmert suffer delusions of peace

Bush and Olmert suffer delusions of peace

Olmert: History will owe Bush for setting Mideast on path to peace
Have treacherous globalists like George Bush and Ehud Olmert begun to believe their BIG LIE about peace, having repeated it so often? Or are they just continuing to be dangerous and deceitful, misleading Israel to rest in peace?

There is absolutely no basis in reality, no historical or biblical justification, to ever believe that peace with the sworn enemies of God and Israel is possible or desirable, except for the peace that Moses taught and Kahane reminded us of: peace through strength - which means expelling Ishmaelites, not Jews, from the Promised Land of Israel.

Lying Visions of Peace

Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways


Shimon Peres Has No Clothes: Where's the Peace?

Don't Expel Jews From Gaza!

EU to Conquer Anglo-Saxons and Jews

Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!

Monday, November 24, 2008

Ron Paul: The Bailout Surge

The Bailout Surge

“This week the bailout of the Big Three automakers was under heavy consideration in Congress’s lame duck session. I have always opposed government bailouts of private organizations. Back in 1979 Congress had hearings about bailing out Chrysler and I was on record pointing out that these types of policies are foolish and very damaging to the long term economic health of our country. They still are. There was also renewed pressure this week to bailout homeowners and send another round of stimulus checks to “Main Street” to balance out all the handouts to big business. It seems that eventually the entire economy is going to be blanketed over with Federal Reserve notes. Most in Washington are completely oblivious as to why this model of money creation and spending is so dangerous.”

Click here to read the full article:

The Gospel of the Kingdom of God

How Adam and Eve Reflect the Kingdom of God
"For we are members of his Body, of his flesh, and of his bones. For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined to his wife, and they TWO shall be ONE FLESH. This is a GREAT MYSTERY: but I speak concerning Christ and the Church" (Ephes. 5:30-32).

Overcome in Christ Daily
GOOD NEWS: Yeshua is able to break the bonds of sin and set free those who are slaves, saving us from both sin's eternal death penalty and delivering us from the sin. Some deny this POWER and only want the pardon but the Throne of Grace offers both.

Man Questions Whether We'll Be Angelic Or Divine
Even as we have been fully mortal and human like Adam, we shall be fully divine and holy Spirit like Christ the Second Adam, being born again into the literal Kingdom-Family of God. How Satan is insanely jealous of this fact!

Born Again and Heaven and Hell
Yeshua said that which is born of the flesh is flesh (like we are now in this life), but that which is born of the Spirit IS SPIRIT. He also said you can't even see or enter into that Kingdom of God unless you're born again...

Sneak Preview of the Kingdom of God
If I may, as God is my Witness and Judge, when I was only 17 years young, God UNEXPECTEDLY gave me a VISION while I was in prayer. I was within that vision as a glorified Spirit-Being, whiter than glistening snow and like a brilliant white cloud with the sun shining on it, appearing smooth, dressed in a white robe - even my hair was that brilliant white - holding a Book in my hands and teaching two flesh and blood mortals who were sitting on the ground, in an outdoor setting like a park or meadow.)

Born Again: The Kingdom of God!
GOD IS REPRODUCING HIMSELF! That's the glorious Good News that Jesus boldly proclaimed! The Gospel of the KINGDOM OF GOD announces the GOD KINGDOM: a Spirit-Born Kingdom of God-Beings! A Royal Family that we can enter (Rev. 3:21). A Divine Family that will administer God's Government throughout the universe and eternity (Isa. 9:7; Dan. 7:18).

A Higher Calling: Quest for the Kingdom of God
Jesus clearly said, "No man can come to Me, except the Father who has sent me draw him..."(John 6:44). Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. The Christian calling includes recognizing Jesus is the only way to the Father, learning all about Him as the Incarnate Word of God and walking in that light as a way of life, following Jesus by the lead of the Holy Spirit, the power and influence of God (Romans 8:14, 1 John 2:6).

Kingdom of God-Beings to Rule Earth from Jerusalem!
Yeshua has gone to Heaven and is preparing for the coming Kingdom of God, making room for us (converted Christians then transformed) in His Administration, preparing our positions and government seats in the Kingdom-Family of God, and will then return and receive us to Himself, sharing His glory and power and honor with us from Jerusalem, the seat of God's government, the Throne of David, the Throne of the LORD.

The Great Mideast Commission: Reaching the Cities of Judah
So there is a physical preparing, as well as a spiritual, in preparing the way for Messiah's Coming! Further, God says we are to SHOUT, with amplified power, to the CITIES OF JUDAH the glad message that the Messiah is soon coming" - Autobiography of Herbert W Armstrong, Volume II, pages 469-470

Iceland's fall

Iceland is a fantastic, mysterious country located on the fringes of the habitable world where geothermal steam wisps slip through rock and ice fissures to escape into the cold blue sky. Iceland is one of the most advanced and educated nations on the planet and was fast becoming a world-class financial power – until its economy collapsed. What are the lessons for us?

Iceland's fall and the EU's ascendancy

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Thanksgiving Day

"Beware that you do not forget the LORD your God by not keeping His commandments, His judgments, and His statutes which I command you today, 12 lest—when you have eaten and are full, and have built beautiful houses and dwell in them; 13 and when your herds and your flocks multiply, and your silver and your gold are multiplied, and all that you have is multiplied; 14 when your heart is lifted up, and you forget the LORD your God...17 then you say in your heart, 'My power and the might of my hand have gained me this wealth...'

Thanksgiving: Attitude of Gratitude

Where is our Zionist vision?

Where is our Zionist vision?
Dispute over Hebron home a new nadir in our moral deterioration
Benny Katzover
Ynet, November 19, 2008

The salvation of land and homes was for many years an important value and target within the Zionist enterprise. However, at this time we see moral deterioration on all fronts and it appears that we reached a new, grim phase ­ not only do we lack initiative for realizing the Zionist enterprise, we utilize all our vigor and talent to boost our enemies.

The climax of this is happening, ironically enough, on the week where we read in the Torah about the first Jewish asset in the land of Israel at the hands of the first Jew, Abraham, who acquired the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron ­ located so close to the house in question.

First, the facts: The House of Peace was acquired for more than one million shekels, by payments transferred through a mediator to the home’s owner, Faiz Rajbi. The payments were undertaken from March 2004 to March 2005. The agreement clearly stated that ownership of the house is transferred to the purchasers at the time of sale. These facts were also confirmed by the Israel Police’s labs.

There is a report ruling that the receipts presented by the Jewish purchasers for the payments they made are all authentic and are not suspected to be forgeries. The sale agreement itself is also not suspected to be forged in the view of the Israel Police.

In the phase between the purchase and its realization, the Jewish settlers locked the home and it stood empty for a month and a half.

As the house is located at a strategic site, near Kiryat Arba, and dominates the road from it to the Cave of the Patriarchs where tens of thousands of visitors pass yearly, the IDF entered the empty building and set up a dominating position on its roof.

After about two years, as part of the preparations for Jewish entry into the building, in light of the need to renovate it, more money was handed over to Faiz Rajbi through the mediator so that he renovate the home and make it fit for residence. The renovation work was carried out, and Jews moved into the home in March 2007.

Different versions

These facts are undisputed. In an audiotape, Rajbi recounts the fact that he renovated the building on behalf of the mediator. However, both the Prosecutor’s Office and the courts refused to listen to this tape for some reason. This enabled the Prosecutor’s Office to continue arguing against the move of residents into the house.

Therefore, both the Prosecutor’s Office and the High Court of Justice endorsed Mr. Rajbi’s claim that he never sold the house; however, this claim was disproven by the police probe. After he heard the audiotape, Rajbi changed his version of the story: He said he sold the house but annulled the sale back in 2004. This version is written in all documents submitted to the various courts. However, this version too was disproved by the police labs, which ruled that the receipts issued by him up until March 2005 are authentic.

How can the State Prosecutor’s Office, which is supposed to be representing the Jewish state, back Mr. Rajbi when there is an audiotape where he tells his friend how he sold the house, received full payment, and renovated it in line with the mediator’s request? ­ He also tells his friend about being harassed by the Palestinian Authority.

We reached a situation whereby the High Court of Justice, the Prosecutor’s Office, and groups like Peace Now and its ilk are openly fighting in order to uproot not only truth and justice, but also the first root that grants us the right for our country.

Where can we find a supreme court that would condemn the High Court for showing contempt to the law and to the Israeli nation? And what great foresight did the smartest man of all, King Solomon, have when he ruled that “where there is no vision, the people perish”?

Benny Katzover heads the Samaria Settlers’ Committee,7340,L-3625503,00.html
Women For Israel's Tomorrow (Women in Green)
POB 7352, Jerusalem 91072, Israel
Tel: 972-2-624-9887 Fax: 972-2-624-5380

Bet Hashalom in Hevron belongs to the Jews!

Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

A Jewish Homeland

Friday, November 21, 2008


Christmas condemned!

C.H. Spurgeon on Christmas and Roman Catholicism
First, because we do not believe in the mass at all, but abhor it, whether it be sung in Latin or in English. Secondly, because we find no Scriptural warrant whatever for observing any day as the birthday of the Savior; and consequently, its observance is a superstition

Christmas is About Giving -- Says Who?
Going into debt certainly isn't biblical, so why not break free from the trance? The "Christmas" rush is a "drug" pushed by commercial pimps prostituting a supposedly Christian holiday for their ungodly profits! They hold hands around the cash register and sing, "What a friend we have in Jesus."

Why I No Longer Celebrate Christmas
I was blessed to grow up in Risingsun, Ohio next door to my Grandma and Grandpa Hoover on their farm that embraced where we lived, surrounding us with its loving arms on both sides (until the age of 11) and behind, with our woods over yonder a bit, that I loved to walk through as a boy, always looking for my "brother" hawk, circling overhead, to greet me...

Will God Curse Our Countries for Christmas?
Abominable Christians, those who have the perverted religious preference of tradition over truth, are just like every other sinner unwilling to confess and forsake their sins and seek to whitewash or justify them. The difference is such professing Christians often pretend to be better or more righteous than those physical idolaters and immoral folks (who also refuse to repent) while they engage in spiritual idolatry (putting tradition over truth) and spiritual immorality (whoring around with other gods and foreign ways) bringing divine judgment upon our nations.

Plea to Diehard Catholics & Protestants to Repent
Having clearly seen how the practice of homosexuality is a sin (as I testify in God and the Gays), I can now see clearly how SPIRITUAL HOMOSEXUALS, the bloody Roman Catholic whore and her Protestant prostitute daughters (Rev. 17:5), prefer tradition over truth.

Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?
If anybody is honestly interested in knowing whether or not this or that doctrine is actually biblical or merely traditional, all they have to do is objectively search the Scriptures like the noble Bereans did in Acts 17:11, after hearing Paul out, to see whether what he taught was true...

Is the Plain Truth Too Strong?
"Cry aloud, spare not; Lift up your voice like a trumpet; Tell My people their transgression [the Church and Synagogue], And the house of Jacob [the family of Israelite nations - all Twelve Tribes of Israel] their sins. 2 Yet they seek Me daily, And delight to know My ways, As a nation that did righteousness, And did not forsake the ordinance of their God. They ask of Me the ordinances of justice; They take delight in approaching God" (Isaiah 58)

Murderous Arab hatred of Jews

Pure Jew Hate On "Palestinian" AUTHORITY TV
Sheikh Ibrahim Mudeiris instigates against Jews on "Palestinian" T.V. There's no such thing as "Palestine":


The Plain Truth about Imam Khattab

Ohio Mosque Promotes Murder!
Muslims incited to kill Jews
Behind the Veil of Islam
Toledo, Islam, and Terrorists

Thursday, November 20, 2008


PCG (Philadelphia Church of God)

Philadelphia Church of God Leads the Laodicean Era (Part 1)
When Gerald Flurry wasn't anything in his own sight or mind God used him and now, unfortunately, it appears to have gone to his head, all the new revelation (simply a deeper understanding of some things), and he forgets that all truth is from and belongs to GOD and that God can use a donkey to deliver it (1 Cor. 4:7). Gerald Flurry has become so swollen in his own imagination that he fails to see that he is the leader of LAODICEA! He knows what warning God is giving the Laodiceans, of which he is chief! He had better heed his own words...

Philadelphia Church of God Leads Laodicean Era (Conclusion)
"It's certainly not my place to determine if what you believe God has shown you is true or not, but would you mind presenting Mr. Flurry with an abbreviated version of what you feel is inspired... as I highly doubt that he would have time to read your whole book."

Stephen Flurry and The Philadelphia Church of God
Stephen Flurry, son of Gerald Flurry, pastor general of the Philadelphia Church of God (based in Edmond, Oklahoma), has published a book that Amazon sells, Raising the Ruins: The Fight to Revive the Legacy of Herbert W. Armstrong.

The Work of God Must Go Forward!
The Work of God must go forward. The only work that's left to do now is focus on the NATIONAL LEVEL. We must get out God's ultimatum and fast! Europe is on the rise and Jerusalem is getting international attention (Zech. 14:2). Soon God's two witnesses will rise and shine in a world of darkness (Isa. 60:1-2). God's about to restore His lamp to the Middle East! (Rev. 11:3; 1 Kgs. 11:36; Amos 9:11; Zech. 12:8).

PCG: Carrying on Business as Usual
If you truly saw what is coming on this Earth, and had a vision of tomorrow, you would know that the Gathering Storm darkens as you sip champagne and boast that you're rich and in need of nothing, woefully ignorant that the Two Witnesses will soon be wearing sackcloth and fasting, not wining and dining at black tie dinners!

The Church of God Must Warn the World!
We know that certain prophecies were not to be fulfilled until these "last days." Therefore their sealed messages weren't to break their silence until the appointed time (Dan. 12:9). With the advent of the nuclear age, we've been living, for the first time in history, with the weapons of mass destruction that can erase all life from off planet Earth! (Matt. 24:21-22).

Politics in the Church of God Hinders Progress
Gerald Flurry refused to go forward with Beyond Babylon and fell backwards, treading old ground and is now going in circles, business as usual, as Europe rises and Judah and Israel have yet to be warned.

Worldwide Church Of God All Over Again?
Let’s see to it that Philadelphia Church of God (Judah) doesn’t go the way of the Worldwide Church of God (Israel). These biblical principles still apply: don’t put undue trust in men; work out your own salvation, it’s not a group affair; beware the scholarly approach that demands you rely on men - not God’s Spirit or personal Bible study.

The Watchmen
"I have set Watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem"
God has called us to do a Work! Anyone can and should do good works in private, but God has called us collectively to COME OUT OF THE CLOSET and deliver His Message! We're to help save individuals and nations from the coming Holocaust!

Sderot Media Center (update)

US Basketball Player leaves Negev Team because of Palestinian Rocket Escalation

Fri Nov 20 2008 /22 Cheshvan 5769

What can Sderot, the western Negev, and southern Israel expect after December 19?

Tue Nov 17 2008 /19 Cheshvan 5769

Israeli photojournalist discusses rockets in Sderot
Tue Nov 17 2008 /19 Cheshvan 5769




Jerusalem, Israel

HaRav Yehuda Kreuser SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva


24 Marcheshvan 5769/21-22 November 2008


"Abraham listened to Ephron, and Abraham weighed out to Ephron the money that he had mentioned in the hearing of the children of Heth, four hundred silver shekalim in negotiable currency. And Ephron's field that was in Machpelah, that was facing Mamre, stood - the field and the cave within it and all the trees in the field, within its entire boundary all around - as Abraham's as a purchase in the view of the children of Heth, with all who came to the gate of his city."

And so, the Torah tells us of the long and hard negotiations between Abraham and the children of Heth in which he obtained the property of the Machpelah in Hebron. Today, they tell us that there is no alternative to direct talks, and the proof would be from here, as Abraham, after negotiating long and hard, finally came to an understanding with the children of Heth who have been living in the land from time immemorial.

But at what price? At what cost to Abraham and his descendants?

Our Rabbis teach us in the Midrash, that the children of Heth refused time and time again to listen to Abraham and to sell him the cave. Finally, the only option open for Abraham to which the children of Heth would agree, was to exchange the property of the Machpelah for another part of Israel: Har HaMoriah - the Temple Mount.

With no other option, Abraham not only paid the high price of 400 silver shekalim, but also gave the Temple Mount to the descendants of the children of Heth forever. So we find that when Joshua entered the Land of Israel, he killed the king of Jerusalem but did not conquer Jerusalem. But the children of Benjamin did not drive out the Jebusite inhabitant of Jerusalem, so the Jebusite dwelt with the children of Benjamin in Jerusalem until this day. Now even though they killed the king of Jerusalem, they still did not take the city, not because they were unable to but because they were not permitted. Why? Because it was given to the children of Heth from the time of Abraham, and they settled in Jerusalem.

But there were other inhabitants of Jerusalem whom the Jewish people could not remove, they being the children of the Philistines with whom Abraham had made an additional agreement: Abimelech, king of the Philistines. "So Abraham took flocks and cattle and gave them to Abimelech, and the two of them entered into a covenant." Regarding this covenant with the Philistines, G-d said: I gave you the Land and to your descendants, and you made a covenant to allow his children and grandchildren to live here, after I commanded the children of Israel not to allow any of them to live? I swear that the Philistines will kill 7 of your righteous descendants, and destroy 7 houses of worship, and control the Holy Ark for 7 months.

It was not until the time of David that the covenant with the Philistines that Abraham made (and which was reinforced by Isaac), was over. It was for this reason that finally, the Jewish people under King David were able to conquer the city of Jerusalem.

Still, the area of the Temple Mount stayed under the control of Araunah a descendant of the children of Heth, who was given this area for exchange of the property of the Machpelah. It was not until King David was able to convince Araunah to sell the property, that it finally came over to the possession of the Jewish people forever.

Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob all made treaties with the nations that lived here. Still, Hashem did not look upon this as a good thing and the Jewish people paid the price throughout our history. Although these nations were here at the beginning of the "dawn" of the Jewish people, today all that has changed; the Jewish people have come home. We have arrived.

It is not for nothing that the ruling of the supreme court of Israel to remove Jews from Jewish property in Hebron falls on the parsha of "Chayei Sarah", the parsha in which Abraham purchased the Machpelah.

As our rabbis teach us, three places in the Land of Israel cannot be claimed by the nations: Hebron, the Temple Mount and Joseph's tomb. It is time to show that deed of possession of the Land to ourselves, and finally have the courage to tell the world that there is only one owner to the land of Israel - the Jewish people.

With love of Israel,

Levi Chazen


Today we all know that Rabbi Kahane was right!

Help spread the Jewish Idea -

Join the Jewish Idea's E-mail list and spread the word!

Expulsion of Palestinians

Expulsion of Palestinians
Sir, - Mass expulsion of Palestinians without howls of protest and world condemnation? Yes, but unfortunately, only in the Gulf States. The UN obviously understands that such decisive acts are preventive measures to ensure national security from subversive elements who flout their support for their blood-brother Saddam Hussein. If only Israel would express such logic and concern for its personal health and national welfare...
Oct. 19, 1990
The Jerusalem Post


Terrorist Bombing
Sir, - "Nobody in the government and nobody who believes in democracy is ever going to give in to this people, not now, not tomorrow, not in 100 years, not in 1,000 years and not on this side of hell and hell is where these people ought to be."
A Knesset member's outburst after another terrorist attack? No, rather it's Northern Ireland's Minister Richard Weedham blasting the IRA's recent hospital bombing.
Perhaps Messrs. Bush and Baker will rush to the scene and convene another "peace" conference before this "instransigent" fellow fouls up their plans for a "new world order...."

Kibbutz Ha'On
Nov. 13, 1991
The Jerusalem Post


Peace Now: Arabs and Jews Must Go Their Separate Ways
Genesis 15:
18 On that day the LORD made a covenant with Abram and said, "To your descendants [through Isaac] I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the Euphrates: 19 the land of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, 20 Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites, 21 Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites and Jebusites."

It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.

Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Israel must make concessions, Israel must do this, Israel must do that, while the Arabs continue to get away with mass murder and terrorism (while promising peace and feigning ignorance), aided and abetted by the international community...

Israeli air force ready to hit Iran nuclear sites

Israeli air force ready to hit Iran nuclear sites

Air Force chief says only question over whether or not to attack Iran is political more»


Europe to Take Out Iran For Jerusalem

As the United States called upon Israel to become their virtual protectorate during Operation Desert Storm, the European Union will offer Israel guarantees of peace and security. Europe, not the overextended and highly inflated United States, will take out Iran.

Zionism serves a Higher Purpose

Re: Steven Plaut's outburst

Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin?
Originally Posted by dolphin
This JEW tells it like it is...

Yes, BARRY CHAMISH lays it on the line and reveals who the true killers of Yitzhak Rabin are and how they shamefully still walk free: Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin? YouTube

Does Rahm Emanuel know who pulled the trigger?

Audio: Who Pulled the Trigger?

A7 Radio's "The Tamar Yonah Show" with Tamar YonahListen Now!

It's 13 years after that dramatic evening, following a rally in Tel Aviv, when PM Yitzhak Rabin walked to his waiting car and was shot. But by whom? Barry Chamish, investigative reporter and author of the book, WHO MURDERED YITZHAK RABIN? says that Yigal Amir, the man convicted of the assassination, could not have killed Rabin. He goes through the reasons why. If so, then who, why and how was he killed? Hear this program where Chamish walks us through the murder, step by step, and shows us how the official story just doesn't add up. Watch the video of the shooting.

Zionism is an atheistic movement masquerading as the fulfillment of religious prophecy. Zionism is a plan for an end run around God’s. It is Satanism.

Biblical Zionism is definitely a part of the Word and Will of God, prophesied, as Christian Zionists recognize, even if some globalists attempt to pervert its holy purpose, as those running Israel into the ground are doing. The Hellenists, useful idiots in many ways, will fail and the plan of God, His grand design, will be fulfilled.

See: Christian Zionists, Jews, and Israel

God utilized political Zionism for His purposes, just as He utilized America's rebellion against the English throne. On the surface, neither were so special or righteous, but both were instrumental in fulfilling prophecy.

As for the treatment of the former inhabitants of the lands that God decreed for His people, whether Arabs or Indians, I'm sure the Canaanites would offer scathing condemnation but others would see God's purpose being worked out, however imperfectly to limited human vision. God addresses any injustices in His own way and time (2 Sam. 21:1-14), but dismisses those charges that exaggerate or exploit them to deny our basic biblical right to the lands He has chosen for us (Acts 17:26).

See: A Jewish Homeland

Rabbi Dovid Feldman, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss & Massoud Shadjareh at WCAR

They look like those religious Jews who failed to make the move from their ghettos, who didn't let the fire under their butts get them going, blind to the prophecies about the restoration of the Jewish homeland, deaf to the cries to save themselves, who perished in the flames of the Holocaust.


"How can one explain the inaction of those rabbis who agree that we can enter the Temple Mount? How can one explain those who distort the truth and prohibit the entrance of Jews to the Temple Mount? After 2,000 years of prayers asking that God return us to Zion and speedily rebuild the Temple, what excuse could there be for preferring the Wall of Tears over the House of God?

The best answer can be found in the book, Ame Banim Smecha, written by Rabbi Yisachar Teichtel. Rabbi Teichtel was a Chasid who lived in Hungary and perished in the holocaust. While on the run from the Nazis, he wrote a powerful book quoting his sources from memory. He confronts the question that haunts many Jews: "why were so many religious Jews and Torah scholars killed during the holocaust?" His answer is unequivocal, the religious Jews and the Torah scholars watched the secular Zionists return to Zion; and they did not learn from their actions. Jews who prayed thrice daily for the return to Zion should have immediately realized that if secular Jews are leaving the exile, how much more so should they. By turning their backs on the Land of Israel, Rabbi Teichtel writes, their fate was sealed. God hates hypocrisy and punishes those who invoke his name in vain. And so they stayed in exile to be consumed by the fires of the Holocaust."


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Night of the Obamatons?

Sultan Knish

Pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers!

Here are some of my pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers on site and on various trips to Timna, Eilat, Bet Shean, Ein Gedi and Jerusalem, as well as some links to letters I wrote to an American friend about it all.

Pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers!

History repeating?

Email received:


I enjoy reading your articles. Thank you for your courage and commitment to God's truth. I just wanted to mention the similarity between Obama and Nimrod. Nimrod was of the black race as is Obama. Nimrod ruled the world and was considered (and considered himself) a god (he is worshipped even to this day under the guise of Christianity). He was a mighty hunter BEFORE the Lord meaning he exalted himself above God. The entire world looked to him for their needs. I see Obama as a type of Nimrod in these end times. Many falsely consider him the Messiah or "the one". The entire world has placed its hopes in him. He also has a noticeable air of haughtiness and narcissism, that is, he considers himself EXALTED. Obama seems to me to be the 21st century Nimrod.

I also wanted to mention how Christ compares the time before his coming to the time before the Flood. He says in Matt. 24:37-38: “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. “For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark,” (Gen.6-7). In addition to mixed marriages and divorce, I believe God is also addressing gay marriage which the nations of Israel are polluting humanity with.

Anyway, thanks again for your blog and keep fighting the good fight.

Steven Plaut's obsession with Barry Chamish

Steven Plaut writes well when it comes to writing against Nazi-Muslims who want to destroy Israel, but then goes off the deep end with his obsession (and lashon hara) against successful Israeli author Barry Chamish and others.

Obama endorses "Auschwitz borders" for Israel

From Buddy Macy:

Mr. Diament, I find it more than telling that you have responded to my email to AIPAC, while you have ignored my four previous URGENT emails to you and the OU! When are you going to begin acting in the best interest of our vulnerable fellow Jews in Israel -- specifically, why have you not publicly criticized the Israeli Government for its appalling, amoral behavior in ordering the Federman/Tor attack and home destruction, for its threats to the residents of Bet Hashalom and other legally-purchased properties, and for its use and threats of further employment of administrative detention and other cruel, illegal actions against Israeli citizens throughout Judea & Samaria?

In regard to your attempts to refute and discredit my AIPAC email, I ask you: If the Times of London is such an unreliable media source, why then did "the Obama campaign distance[d] itself from [Robert] Malley in May after the Times of London reported that he was meeting regularly with Hamas terror leaders (from Caroline Glick's Jerusalem Post column" And, how were you able to definitively refute the information contained in the current Times of London piece, when the article you have sited, itself, explains, "Among those who have reportedly lobbied the incoming president in favor of the [2002 Arab peace] plan are Lee Hamilton, the former co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group; Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser during the Carter administration; and Brent Scowcroft, who was national security adviser to President George H.W. Bush?"

Mr. Diament, I urge you to focus on the inaction and silence of your organization, rather than to make vain attempts at defending another.

Most sincerely,

Buddy Macy

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 9:19 AM, Nathan Diament <> wrote:

Please see:
For more, see:

Buddy Macy wrote:
date: Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 2:13 AM
Howard Friedman/David Victor/Howard Kohr: When Will AIPAC Confront Obama?

Messrs. Friedman, Victor and Kohr,
On June 4, 2008, Barack Obama said to you and a huge AIPAC audience: "Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided." Now that it is apparent that the President-Elect has broken his promise, and not just "clarified" his position, when are you going to confront him about his grievous breach of trust, and what will you say to him? You owe it to all of our fellow Jews in America, including the 78% of the Jewish voters who cast their ballot for Mr. Obama, and all of the Jews in Israel, to demand that he keep his original promise.

Most sincerely,
Buddy Macy

Israel Insider <>

Report: Obama backs Saudi plan to force Israel to 1949 borders, divide Jerusalem

* Posted by Israel Insider <> on

November 16, 2008 at 6:30pm * View Israel Insider's blog <>
Despite all his election promises and assurances to Jewish groups and Israelis, Barack Obama plans to throw his weight behind the Saudi royal family's 2002 plan to roll back Israel to at least its 1949 borders, the Times of London reported <> Sunday, citing sources close to America's president-elect.

While the Saudi plan calls for recognition of Israel by Arab states, such promises have historically proven of scant value relative to the "hard currency" of territorial retreats. Tzipi Livni, the Israeli foreign minister and leader of the ruling Kadima party, and President Shimon Peres, have said that the Saudi plan could be a starting point for discussions but have stopped far short of accepting it.

Contrary to Obama's promises at the last AIPAC conference in support of an "undivided Jerusalem" -- a position he retreated from days later -- the Saudi plan divides Jerusalem, hands over the Old City, Temple Mount and the adjacent Western Wall to the Arabs, and calls on Israel to take responsibility for the "Palestinian refugee problem." It requires Israel to restore the strategic Golan Heights to Syria and allow the Palestinians to establish their capital in east Jerusalem. It would dismantle all Jewish settlements and even Jewish suburbs of Jerusalem, dislocating nearly a half-million Israelis, and leaving the state behind what diplomatic dove Abba Eban described as "Auschwitz borders."

On a visit to the Middle East last July, the president-elect said privately it would be "crazy" for Israel to refuse a deal that could "give them peace with the Muslim world", according to a senior Obama adviser.Apparently there are many crazy Israeli, since the Saudi plan is unacceptable to the vast majority of Israelis, including Benjamin Netanyahu of the Likud, the frontrunner to be prime minister in the next round of elections, slated for February 2009.

The Arab peace plan received a boost last week when President Shimon Peres, a Nobel peace laureate and leading Israeli dove, commended the initiative at a Saudi-sponsored United Nations conference in New York, stepping far beyond the ceremonial role that the Presidential role typically accords. He was loudly applauded for sycophantically telling King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, who was behind the original initiative: "I wish that your voice will become the prevailing voice of the whole region, of all people."

There are unconfirmed reports that the conference had to be temporarily suspended as Peres sought with difficulty to extract his proboscis from the rectum of the plenum.

A bipartisan group of senior foreign policy advisers have urged Obama to give the Arab plan top priority immediately after his election victory as the basis for an imposed solution on Israel. The advisers -- enemies of Israel all -- included Lee Hamilton, the former co-chairman of the Iraq Study Group, and Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Democrat former national security adviser.

Brent Scowcroft, a Republican former national security adviser and Israel bashed, piled on as well, suggesting that an early start to the Palestinian peace process was "a way to psychologically change the mood of the region".

According to a Washington source, Obama told West Bank constable Mahmoud Abbas: "The Israelis would be crazy not to accept this initiative. It would give them peace with the Muslim world from Indonesia to Morocco."

Dan Kurtzer, a former Ambassador to Israel, submitted a paper to Obama on the question before this month's presidential elections arguing that trying to reach bilateral peace agreements between Israel and individual countries in the Middle East was a recipe for failure as the record of Bill Clinton and George W Bush showed. In contrast, the broader Arab plan "had a lot of appeal".

A leading Democratic expert on the Middle East said: "There's not a lot of meat on the bones yet, but it offers recognition of Israel across the Arab world."

Eighteen Years Later The Darkness is Palpable

A Voice from Hebron
by Gary M. Cooperberg
P.O. Box 1444,
Kiryat Arba-Hebron, Israel 90100
Tel. 972-2-996-3761 Fax 972-2-996-1778
Email: -

Eighteen Years Later The Darkness is Palpable
November 19, 2008

It is mind boggling to think that eighteen years have passed since the assassination of Rabbi Meir Kahane. Clearly he was a lone voice of Truth in a sea of darkness. It is bone chilling to remember his warning, “You have a choice... either me or Arafat.” Is there a political faction today which is not prepared to negotiate with the PLO?

His slogan, “They Must Go” was not a racial slur. It was a statement of fact... a fact that no Israeli politician has the courage to face even today.

While Olmert continues to make “goodwill overtures” by turning loose hundreds of Arab murderers, even as Gilad Shalit languishes in captivity, (not to mention Jonathan Pollard), one cannot help but wonder how insane our leaders have become. Rabbi Kahane openly stated the problem and offered the solution. Our leaders have not yet even recognized the problem! The Arabs do not have to be removed because they are racially inferior. They have to be removed because they are dedicated to destroying the Jewish State and the Jewish People. There is a fellow in Iran who openly stated his desire to wipe Israel off the map. Why do our leaders have so much trouble listening to what our enemies are saying?

Sir Shimon Peres, our hapless president, recently stated that making peace is like getting married, you must close your eyes and hope for the best. I wonder if his wife Sonia was listening. Truly Mr. Peres is quite adept at closing his eyes. Unfortunately, like his predecessor the ostrich, he will discover that burying your head in the sand will not make the predator disappear... it will only make you feel safe for a very short time.

It may well be that Rabbi Kahane was the cause of this refusal to open our eyes. The Israeli leadership hated him so much that they made it a national crime to as much as discuss the possibility of removing our enemies from our midst. This hatred was so intense that it even overrode their survival instinct! Today we have lunatics who suggest that, since a black man was elected President of the USA, perhaps it is time for an Arab to become Prime Minister of Israel! That really isn’t necessary since our Jewish prime ministers cannot be out done in their efforts at self destruction.

Given the kind of leadership we suffer, it seems an act of futility and irrationality to suggest to Jews living in the USA that they should come home. Rabbi Kahane spent much of his life in this “futile” effort and, in spite of the futility, thousands, if not tens of thousands of Jews are now living in Israel because of that effort. I count myself and my growing family as part of that homecoming.

The years fly by and things seem worse than ever. Yet the Jewish State continues to thrive when, by any sense of logic, it should have perished even before it was reborn. Rabbi Kahane lived and died with his beliefs. He held high the torch of Truth and himself was scorched by its flame.

But his message lingers on. The Jewish State is not a political entity. It is a Biblical one. It was reborn and continues to grow due to G-dly intervention. Our world is in a process of Redemption whose result will see all of Mankind recognizing our Creator. Jewish destiny cannot be thwarted, not by the murderers of Rabbi Kahane, not by Olmert, not by Peres and not by Obama. No power on Earth can change Divine Destiny. The Jewish Idea will never be extinguished as the torch passes on from generation to generation. Ours is a direct link to the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. That same Law is valid today and is destined to be the source of life for all nations of the world. It will be via the Jewish People and the Jewish State that this destiny will be fulfilled.

For the Gentile it is time to stand with Israel for Biblical reasons. And for the Jew it is time to come home.

Project Shofar is dedicated to spreading these truths wherever it is possible to do so. It is sounding the alarm, to Jew and Gentile alike,to open our eyes to the G-dly process that is presently underway, and work to support it. We dare not stand idly on the sidelines.

It is imperative that there begins, today, a campaign among world Jewry to explain the full extent of the Arab hatred and danger. The complete truth must be told to the masses of good Jews both to justify the need to remove the Arabs and to expose the dangers of the liberal Establishment bloc.

Thoughts on Meir Kahane...
The idea that Jew-hatred was the problem of the Jew-hater and that it was the job of the Jew to "educate" the Jew-hater not to manifest that hatred - expressed in the following Talmudic dictum "he who raises his hand to bless you, bless him first; he who raises his hand to kill you, kill him first" - was truly liberating for me, who had always been taught that "good Jewish boys don't fight".

Israel's Only Way Out: Follow Kahane!
Israel must make concessions, Israel must do this, Israel must do that, while the Arabs continue to get away with mass murder and terrorism (while promising peace and feigning ignorance), aided and abetted by the international community...